PARTLY FACETIOUS: The World Cup begins

14 Feb, 2015

"Pakistan team management has warned eight players that if they violate team curfew again they would be out of the team."
"I am amazed at this stupidity!"
"Right, the players must abide by rules, however flawed..."
"No, I am amazed at the fact that the eight, including Boom Boom Afridi, were made to pay a 300 Australian dollar fine for violating the curfew."
"See the man behind the scenes understands the value of a penalty to the Pakistani psyche...a rich Pakistani would not hesitate to pay crores to be nominated for a senate seat and I am not sure what the going rate is for each party but its well above the 2 crore mark and yet if the traffic warden issues a challan for violation of traffic rules that same man would fight tooth and nail and..."
"Hey, you need to be corrected."
"But it's true we don't like penalties, we don't mind bribes though..."
"No, you made your statement male specific I think the time of gender neutrality is at hand."
"You are being facetious. But anyway I want to ask the team management why they would have a curfew for the team players? I mean they are adults and surely Sydney is a fun place to be in and besides the match with India is not scheduled till tomorrow and..."
"Oh please - they need to get their sleep."
"What guarantee is there that the players are actually sleeping if they are in their hotel - and don't forget the attraction of room service and..."
"Well, no that's not what I am concerned about. I want to know if the team players violate the curfew again then between the injuries and the curfew violators would we have an 11-member team?"
"Oh I didn't think of that! The man behind the scenes..."
"Hush, you may get a notice too."
"I have always wanted to be noticed."
"Oh stop being facetious, I meant a legal notice and let's be honest the list of those sent a notice from the man behind the scenes spans all professions and..."
"Ah, but it appears to end with the notices."
"That's the sensible approach - you register a complaint and hope it is enough to deter further public comments."
"I see."
"Power devolves on those with sense my friend."

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