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Prices of essential food items remain stable

02 May, 2016

Prices of most of the essential commodities have remained stable during last week, except slightly increase in rates of rice, cooking oil/ghee, flour and chicken in retail and wholesale markets.
According to survey conducted by Business Recorder here on Sunday, the prices of almost all kitchen items remained unchanged. A 49-kg bag of high quality rice after slightly price increased now available at Rs 6,000 and Rs 7,200.
Abdul Rehman, a wholesaler in Rampura market said that the prices of cooking oil/ghee of different brands and varieties marginally gone up, as a tin of 16-kg is selling from Rs 1,960, Rs 2,420 and Rs 2,470 in the wholesale market, while a 5-kg tin is available at Rs 765, Rs 800 and Rs 950.
He, however, said the pulses prices were stable in both wholesale and retail markets. In the last week, the prices of sugar went down in wholesale market, as a 49-kg bag is available at Rs 2,590 against the Rs 2,650. But the wholesale prices varied from retail rates in some parts of the provincial capital, as shopkeepers and retailers were charging the consumers with different rates, against the official prices.
The flour prices also gone up in wholesale and retail markets as 85-kg bag is available at Rs 3,900, which was selling at Rs 3,600 in the last week as compared to the preceding week. Similarly, the retail rates also steadily increased as fine flour is being sold at Rs 46 per kg against the Rs 38 per kg, while brown atta being available at Rs 42 per kg against the Rs 32 per kg in the last week.
Prices of most of the vegetables were also remain unchanged in the last week, as a five kilogram tomato is available at Rs 80-90, while onion being sold at Rs30 and 40 per kg. The chicken is being sold at 166 per kg, while good weight chicken available at Rs 280. Cow meat is being sold at Rs 270-280 per kg against the official rate of Rs 220 per kg.
Vendors in provincial capital, also charging consumers with artificial rates of fresh milk, as available at Rs 60 Rs 80 and Rs 90 per kilogram, while yogurt is also being sold at Rs 80 and Rs 90 per kilogram, despite official fix rate of Rs 55 for fresh milk of one litre, and Rs 70 for one kilogram yogurt.
The prices of all varieties and range of fruits also unchanged as apple is available at Rs 100 to Rs 140, banana available at Rs 60 to Rs 80 per dozen, pomegranate is selling at Rs 100 and Rs 120 per kg, grapes available at Rs 100 per kg, persimmon being sold at Rs 60 to Rs 80 per kilogram.

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