imageISLAMABAD: Exports of surgical goods and medical instruments from the country during first five months of current financial year grew by 5 percent as compared to the corresponding period of last year.

Surgical goods and medical instruments worth US$ 133.27 million exported during the period from July-November, 2013 as against exports of US$ 126.92 million of same period last year, said data of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.

During the period under review, cutlery exports from the country recorded 3.97 percent growth and reached to US$ 35.86 million which was recorded at US$ 34.49 million in first five months of last finance year, it added.

The data revealed that export of chemicals and pharma products increased by 73.82 percent as country earned US$ 545.45 million by exporting pharma products and other different chemicals as against US$ 313.800 million of same period last year.

Meanwhile, pharmaceutical products exports increased by 2.57 percent. About 5,685 metric tons of pharmaceutical products worth US$ 64.23 million exported as compared to 6,061 metric tons valuing US$ 62.62 million of same period last year, it added.

However, exports of fertilizer manufactured decreased by 100 percent and reached at zero which was recorded at 215 metric tons valuing US$ 0.074 million in the period under review of last year.

From July-November, 2013 exports of ONYX manufactured grew by 31.09 percent and reached at 1,890 metric tons valuing US$ 4.41 million as compared 1,306 metric tons worth US$ 3.34 million during same period of last year.

During the period under review, exports of other chemicals witnessed 297.38 percent growth. The country earned US$ 336.199 million by exporting other chemicals which was recorded at US$ 88.619 million in corresponding period of last financial year.


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