Leave your thoughts on Pakistan’s General Elections here

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Updated 08 Feb, 2024 05:14pm


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Ali Gohar Feb 04, 2024 04:31pm
I am positive, whatever the results of these elections, the future for our country is bright as we push past petty politics and into an era where all players are working toward the same goal, instead of fighting each other.
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Amir Abdullah Feb 04, 2024 04:37pm
Elections in Pakistan have been mired in controversy, always. Will it ever end, will we finally have an era where the next party gets to finally complete a term? Where policies are uniting instead of divisive?
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Mustafa Ch Feb 04, 2024 04:39pm
The younger population, the youth, can and will determine the results of the elections. Let's decide our future, together.
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Walkie Feb 05, 2024 08:05pm
Cant wait to exercise my right to vote
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SR Feb 08, 2024 05:07pm
I hope everyone got out and voted today, despite the chaos, lack of mobile connectivity and overall bad organisation!
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Mikal Cyan Feb 08, 2024 05:08pm
We will see
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Majid Bhatti Feb 08, 2024 05:08pm
As expected, the overall election day turned out to be a mundane affair, but we remain hopeful whoever comes into power, Pakistan will strengthen and prosper
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Hala Ibrahim Feb 08, 2024 05:09pm
Elections were chaotic but surprisingly saw a higher turnout of voters than expected.
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SV Feb 08, 2024 05:10pm
A farcical exercise. Pakistan's most populist leader is rotting in jail on false charges.
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Arsalan Feb 08, 2024 05:10pm
Election results will be controversial as they were in 2018.. ECP badly failed in its duty and mobile services suspension made the situation worst..
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Voter Feb 08, 2024 05:11pm
Got to exercise my vote today in an election marred by rigging from the get go. Alas with still stand by the systems and cast our vote praying what ever is best for Pakistan comes to transpire.
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Owais Karni Feb 08, 2024 05:13pm
Pakistan needs a strong and stable government, we cannot afford another debacle. Those in charge should carry out much needed reforms at the earliest
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Abdullah Ilahi Feb 08, 2024 05:15pm
Whatever elites want will happen in the country. Common people will continue to struggle. These elites will lead country into ashes. Hopes are the country rise from the ashes just like sphinx.
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Nadia Feb 08, 2024 05:19pm
I voted. Family voted. Weather nice. Voting slow.
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SM Feb 08, 2024 05:20pm
Turn out much better than expected. Hoping and praying for Pakistan's prosperity!
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Sohaib Feb 08, 2024 05:22pm
Rigged elections and without level playing field for PTI. Nevertheless we voted to register our anger against injustices to the people of Pakistan for over 2 years
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KU Feb 08, 2024 05:56pm
Unfair elections for PTI and supporters and results will be according to script. We should all fear the return of the NRO Raj, we will not survive them this time.
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Usman Feb 08, 2024 09:17pm
All those claiming elections were are awake now as thery were sleeping im 2018 election when nawaz was removed country was destabilosed just to bring imran khan to power.
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Mohsin Shariq Feb 08, 2024 09:22pm
A pack of crooks would be voted in. The polls are completely rigged
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AmirSh. Feb 08, 2024 10:00pm
Result is already written on the wall. Unfortunately, this is what it is!
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AA Feb 08, 2024 10:04pm
Difficult to trust the process and results with reports of many voters not allowed to cast their votes - not a free and fair election at all. Still hoping and praying for the best for the country.
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Yousaf Hyat Feb 08, 2024 10:43pm
I pray Bilawal and Nawaz and Imran don’t come to power. Some new Hubay Watan people step forward.
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Yousaf Hyat Feb 08, 2024 10:45pm
@Abdullah Ilahi, relax
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KU Feb 08, 2024 10:47pm
Information shared by local candidates of different districts and tehsils are saying that their party representatives are being pushed out by police of polling stations during counting of votes.
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Fayez Feb 09, 2024 02:39am
The most rigged elections of all time
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Ali Feb 12, 2024 10:48am
First Question, Where is Actual mandate of Pakistani People? Govt must be organized after fair court decisions ...
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