(Karachi) The World Health Organisation (WHO) withdrew from its earlier statement that asymptomatic transmission of the coronavirus is “very rare,” saying it was a “misunderstanding.”
The comment was made by WHO expert Dr Maria Van Kerkhove who said her views were based on just two or three studies.
Kerkhove said that the estimates of transmission from people without symptoms come primarily from models, which may not provide an accurate representation.
There had been concern from some experts after Kerkhove said in a press briefing on Monday that transmission of coronavirus by people with no symptoms is “very rare”.
Harvard scientists have slammed the WHO for suggesting that asymptomatic patients don't spread the novel coronavirus.
On Monday, the UN health agency said it had doubts that the virus was difficult to contain due to people without signs such as fever, cough or shortness of breath. WHO officials said that symptomatic spread can occur, but it isn't the main avenue by which the disease is being transmitted.
Experts have criticized the WHO for creating confusion on the issue, given the far-ranging public policy implications.