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Rs 337 billion earmarked for ADP

16 Jun, 2020

LAHORE: The Punjab government has allocated a sum of Rs 337 billion for the annual development programme (ADP) for the year 2020-21 which is 32 percent higher than the last year's revised ADP of Rs 255.03 billion.

According to the budget documents, priority of ADP 20-21 is to utilise the allocated 35 percent of the total budget for ADP in all the major sectors - education, health, energy, agriculture, social welfare, roads, water supply & sanitation, livestock & dairy, and industries, commerce & skill development.

The ADP 2020-21 has been designed to counter the education, health crisis, and other challenges faced by the economy of Punjab. Livelihood security through social protection schemes, investments to fill health infrastructure gaps and ensure food security, education and human capital development along with support to the micro small medium enterprise sector are all priority areas of ADP 2020-21.

COVID-19 - Punjab Economic Stimulus Programme is a prime initiative of ADP 2020-21 through which investments will be made to tackle the health crisis and catalyzing economic growth.

Allocation of Rs 30 billion has been earmarked for small works programmes that will provide sustainable livelihood opportunities. Rupees eight billion has been reserved to support the micro small medium enterprise sector and to provide skill training programmes.

It is envisaged to complete 1,200 projects by the end of the next fiscal with the total amount of 337 billion of the ADP 2020-21.

COVID-19 has disrupted the education sector across the province. To mitigate the impact of the pandemic on education, Punjab has earmarked a budget of Rs 80 million for Taleem Ghar initiative to help in identification of missed school learning outcomes, content generation for distant learning and strengthen of digital infrastructure.

This year, locust invasion has been challenging for the food and agriculture sector. In ADP 20-21, the government of Punjab has initiated new schemes like locust control operation and allied matters in the Cholistan that will help in combating the major threat to our food security.

MSME (Micro-Small Medium Enterprise): An allocation of Rs 8 billion has been reserved for MSME in ADP 20-21to prioritize the impact caused by COVID-19 in form of job losses around Punjab. There will be a strong focus on MSMEs throughout the year that will play a strong role in employing the vulnerable.

An allocation of Rs 9 billion has been earmarked for communicable disease programme. Combating and Curtailing COVID-19 is Punjab government's utmost priority. Public awareness and knowledge of the risks associated with the COVID-19 outbreak are crucial for successfully tackling the crisis.

Rupees 12,000 million has been allocated for health insurance programme in Punjab to improve access of the poor population to good quality medical services through a micro health insurance scheme.

Rural Enterprises in the agriculture development (READ) will promote agribusiness projects by catalyzing private investment for generating income and rural employment while Rs 11.86 billion have been allocated for the FY 2020-21 for 1,348 schemes of water supply & sanitation. The government of Punjab has established "Punjab Abe-Pak Authority" for the provision of clean drinking water in the province. In the FY 2020-21, Rs 2.500 billion have been allocated for the said authority to provide clean/safe drinking water in brackish areas in Punjab, especially in South Punjab. In ADP 20-21, the Punjab government has focused on women's empowerment programmes. With major initiatives like women's income growth and self-reliance programme (WINGS), the government is supporting the transition of extremely poor women from social protection to sustainable livelihoods, prosperity, and self-reliance in the province.

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