LAHORE: Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar said on Thursday that funds of Rs 25 billion were released to deal with coronavirus in the current financial year (2019-20) while huge funds have also been allocated in the next financial year (2020-21) budget.
"More high-dependency beds will be provided in the hospitals and the decisions are being made after daily reviewing the coronavirus situation in Punjab," the CM said while talking to the MPAs from different districts at his office here Thursday.
Talking on this occasion, the CM stated he was monitoring development projects so as to develop the backward areas adding the government believed in composite development of the province.
Usman Buzdar said the worst-hit corona areas had been sealed to stop the spread of virus, adding that sealed localities would be opened after the areas were virus-free. He asked the people to wear masks and maintain social distancing and announced that he would leave no stone unturned till the complete eradication of coronavirus. He said the governmental steps were aimed at protecting the lives of citizens and the people could continue their daily routine by the following SOPs.
The CM said the opposition leaders had no passion for the ailing humanity and they had no fear of Allah nor had any concern for the people. The nation will not forgive those point-scoring on human lives.
Taking notice of fixing of different rates of corona test by private labs and price-hike and hoarding of oxygen cylinders, the CM directed the Health Minister and Secretary SH&ME to fix the same price of corona test in private labs. The CM said the health department should facilitate the people by ensuring that a suitable test fee is decided and the decision is getting implemented. The private labs will not be allowed to loot the people. Similarly, availability of oxygen cylinders at fixed rates be ensured and legal action will be initiated against hoarders, the CM added.