Gang shoots five dead in Mexican colonial town

10 May, 2011

In the Taxco attack, Monday, the gang "first killed two people in front of the Social Security offices and another in the bus terminal," Guerrero state police chief Fernando Monreal told AFP.

The same group abducted two others whose bodies later appeared by a road in the southern town, Monreal said, without providing details of the victims, their attackers or a possible motive.

Police also found a human head in the Pacific resort city of Acapulco, in the same state of Guerrero, on Tuesday, along with an apparent message from a drug gang, the Public Security Ministry said in a statement.

Home to Taxco and Acapulco, Guerrero is on major drug trafficking routes and one of the states worst hit by rising drug violence that has left some 37,000 dead since 2006, according to media counts.

Acapulco regularly sees score settling attacks by gangs while authorities last June found 55 bodies in a hidden grave in Taxco, which they blamed on organized crime.

Copyright AFP (Agence France-Presse), 2011

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