In a statement the KCCI chief said the FBR officials have repeatedly said that majority of these 700,000 people also hold assets worth millions but are not paying any taxes.
Vohra regretted that neither this list has been made public nor any measures have been taken to register these individuals for recovery of Income Tax and Wealth Tax.
President KCCI also sought details of total amount and percentage of Income Tax, Sales Tax and FED recovered from Karachi based taxpayers in the financial year 2013-14.
This is he said was necessary to help KCCI evaluate the impact of the selective audit FBR is reportedly planing to conduct through computer balloting of selected 77,500 taxpayers.
FBR have also been asked to provide details of total number of Karachi based taxpayers (Sales Tax and Income Tax) selected for audit in order to fully evaluate the impact of such audit.
KCCI President has suggested to the FBR Chairman to hold any further action such as issuance of audit notices or initiation of audit proceedings, until the issue is resolved in consultation with KCCI and other chambers of commerce as well as relevant trade bodies.