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EFOODS looking up

27 Jan, 2015

From a sell call just three months ago by almost everyone, Engro Foods is now one of the top picks of most analysts. The turnaround has been impressive, it was building up slowly and truly materialized in the last quarter of CY14. Engro Foods (EFOODS) announced its full year CY14 financial results yesterday, which took most by surprise, as the after tax profits quadrupled year-on-year.
EFOODS recorded a revival of sorts in its dairy segment and a healthy double digit growth in revenue is indicative of that. The dairy segment had grown by 7 percent year-on-year by the end of 9MCY14, which is believed to have grown by a higher percentage in the 4QCY14. EFOODS market share in the segment stands well over 50 percent and growing.
Gross margins were the key issue for most of the previous year, but things have started to look up in the previous few months. Margins had remained weaker on account of higher milk prices, which the company was not able to fully pass on due to tough market conditions and also in an effort to grow volume. Gross margins have improved slightly in the 4QCY14 as our channel checks indicate, EFOODS operated more efficiently on the cost front.
The net profits for full year swelled mainly on account of tax benefits recorded by EFOODS. Minus the impact of taxation benefit, the full year pre-tax profits would have stayed flattish. But their real story lies in the fourth quarter performance, which suggests significant improvement in top line growth and better operating margins.

Engro Foods
Rs (mn) CY14 CY13 chg 4QCY14
Net Sales 43027 37891 14% 12356
Cost of sales 34926 29748 17% 9939
Gross profit 8101 8143 -1% 2417
Distribution &
marketing expenses 4693 5063 -7% 1137
Administrative expenses 1282 1041 23% 425
Other income 305 324 -6% 102
Finance cost 1237 785 58% 298
PBT 494 508 -3% 659
PAT 889 211 321% 637
EPS (Rs) 1.16 0.28 0.83
Gross profit margin 19% 21% 20%
Pretax profit margin 1.1% 1.3% 5.3%
Net profit margin 2.1% 0.6% 5.2%

Source: KSE notice

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