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Health Minister launches Pakistan Health Information System

20 Apr, 2016

ISLAMABAD: Minister of State for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Saira Afzal Tarar here on Wednesday launched Pakistan Health Information System (PHIS) carrying latest nationwide facts and figures on diseases.

The minister said the system will provide updated information about disease indicators and strengthen coordination to manage and plan health initiatives on national level.

The dashboard will assist policy makers and health managers in management of the prevalent health issues.

The dashboard carries latest surveys including Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measurement (PSLM) Survey, Multiple Indicator Cluster and Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey.

The system also makes available information on health programmes including Expanded Immunization Programme, AIDS, Tuberculosis, Lady Health Workers, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (MNCH) Care.

Saira said the new unit will help in analysis of results and will improve health indicators.

Similar information systems will be developed for Balochistan to get feedback, she said adding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Pakistan for 2030 will be achieved with better planning and monitoring.

She said performance of Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) will be improved with hiring of new staff, adding drug testing laboratories will be upgraded in line with WHO standards.

A vaccine tracking system, till end of the supply chain, is in place in 86 districts of the country to keep check on the use of doses.

She said infections of umbilical cord is one of the major causes of neonatal deaths in Pakistan.

Now the government has obtained 2.1 million doses of Chlorixidine from World Health Organization (WHO) to use for treatment of infections of umbilical cord.

The representatives of USAID, UNICEF and World Health Organization and ministry high ups were also present at the launch.

Earlier, the minister held a consultative session with officials of provincial health departments, international institutions and development partners on the progress made on health issues.

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2016

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