All in a day's work! - Missing from the scene...

17 Jan, 2004

So the derailed political process is back on track!
The upper house has started functioning
The Tuesday, 13th January 2004, session was historic.
For the first time in 11 month term of this house, the Opposition took part in Senate proceedings.
Must have come as a surprise, looked different, must have felt something missing?
To whom?
To the people sitting in Press galleries, who r used to the noisy protests and boycott scenes for the last 10 months.
The President may address the joint session after more than one year as the atmosphere in the upper and lower houses would be much cordial now.
So the days of noisy protests r gone, and the people's expectations from their representatives in both the Houses may come true now.
The Treasury benches faced tough questions on HBL's privatization , army operation in South Waziristan tribal agency and a missing minister.
Even after reconciliation?
Have u read that the ARD do not intend to sit with MMA, labeling it as "Mullah and Military Alliance".
The ARD parliamentary secretary informed that they intend to ask the Senate Chairman to appoint a new Opposition Leader from Democratic Alliance, the only opposition group in upper house.
Why r u not responding to what I have been saying for the last half an hour?
What has happened to u?
Am sorry! was lost in my thoughts!
Who wants u to think my dear?
R u in uniform?
R u a politician
R u working for an international agency
R u a businessman
No, am just an ordinary middle class salaried person
Then, who wants u to think my dear?
To people in uniform, u r a head to rule
To a politician, u r a vote
To an international agency, u r a statistic
To a businessman, u r an intended customer
Ya, u r right. But even the intended customers are not safe.
What r u referring at?
Nothing was in need of a car but can't take the risk.
Risk in purchasing a car?
Ya, heard that non custom paid vehicles are available at low prices.
Many elites r visiting these places to get good cars.
But I am an ordinary person, no one will question about my whereabouts in Senate.
So can't afford to go missing, my dear.

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