Currency values in term of Special Drawing Rights

29 Jan, 2004

The International Monetary Fund(IMF), treasuries' department's currency values in terms of Special Drawing Rights(SDR).

January 28, 2004
Currency units per SDR SDR per Currency unit
Currency 27/01/2004 26/01/2004 23/01/2004 22/01/2004
Euro 1.18629 1.18501 1.18169 1.17782
Japanese yen 157.62 158.284 159.278 160.001
Pound sterling 0.821922 0.815228 0.811754 0.811919
US dollar 1.48488 1.49015 1.49979 1.49701
Argentine peso - - 4.33441 -
Australian dollar 1.92967 - 1.92949 1.93612
Bahrain dinar 0.560296 0.563924 0.562876
Botswana pula 6.92089 7.0108 6.99203 6.93222
Brazilian real 4.22048 4.23605 4.26076 4.25286
Brunei dollar 2.51984 2.52804 - -
Canadian dollar 1.93762 1.95746 1.96758 1.94117
Chilean peso 859.166 854.139 848.522 845.559
Chinese yuan 12.2905 12.3341 12.414 12.3909
Colombian peso 4108.5 4094.52 4113.75 4102.95
Cyprus pound 0.696733 0.695227 0.690832 0.689865
Czech koruna 39.0465 39.0404 38.9646 38.6962
Danish krone 8.83611 8.82722 8.80305 8.77355
Hungarian forint 312.79 311.263 309.152 310.166
Icelandic krona 102.724 102.642 102.166 102.515
Indian rupee 67.3541 - 68.0305 67.9643
Indonesian rupiah 12548.7 12554.5 12584.8 -
Iranian rial 12454.7 12530.7 12448.2 12448.2
Israeli new sheqel 6.62998 6.64161 6.65611 6.66618
Korean won 1754.53 1771.19 - -
Kuwaiti dinar 0.437595 0.439147 - 0.441168
Libyan dinar 1.932367 1.932367 1.932367 1.932367
Malaysian ringgit 5.64254 5.66258 5.69921 5.68864
Maltese lira 0.508381 0.508567 0.508164 0.506637
Mauritian rupee 37.8304 38.1436 38.4202 -
Mexican peso 16.1539 16.2692 16.4407 16.4689
Nepalese rupee 109.577 109.966 - 110.479
New Zealand dollar 2.21939 2.21914 - -
Norwegian krone 10.2034 10.2077 10.1542 10.0622
Omani rial 0.570936 0.572964 0.576671 0.575599
Pakistan rupee 85.2537 85.5564 86.1097 85.9498
Polish zloty 5.62917 5.57317 5.51399 5.54388
Qatar riyal 5.40497 5.42414 5.45926 5.44912
Saudi Arabian riyal 5.5683 5.58806 5.62423 5.61378
Singapore dollar 2.51984 2.52804 - -
Slovenian tolar 282.057 281.205 279.207 279.327
South African rand 10.5872 10.7738 10.701 10.6063
Sri Lanka rupee 145.57 146.579 147.646 147.84
Swedish krona 10.9399 10.8632 10.7235 10.7822
Swiss franc 1.86471 1.85628 1.84505 1.84791
Thai baht 58.2802 58.5271 58.6163 58.4238
Trinidad & Tobago dollar 9.30726 9.33881 9.39655 9.36049
UAE dirham 5.45322 5.47259 5.508 5.49777
Venezuelan bolivar 2369.87 2378.28 2393.67 2389.23

(1) The value of the US dollar in terms of the SDR is the reciprocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quantities of the first four currencies shown.
The value in terms of the SDR of each of the other currencies is derived from that currency's representative exchange rate against the US dollar as reported by the issuing central bank and the SDR value of the US dollar, except for the Iranian rial and the Libyan dinar, the values of which are officially expressed directly in terms of domestic currency units per SDR.
All figures are rounded to six significant digits.
(2) The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR (shown above) is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.

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