The open end mutual funds.
Types of Asset Offer/ Red/ Validity
Names of Manager Sale Rep Date/s
Funds Price Price
Equity Funds
NIT 30.45 29.10 31.01.2004
PSM 106.42 103.76 30.01.2004
Meezan Al Meezan
Islamic Fund Inv. Mgt 60.43 59.22 06.02.2004
Debt/Income Funds
PIF AHIML 54.12 53.39 31.01.2004
MSF- Perpetual AHIML 46.71 46.62 31.01.2004
MSF-12/05 AHIML 50.97 50.87 31.01.2004
MSF-12/07 AHIML 49.98 49.88 31.01.2004
MSF-12/12 AHIML 47.31 47.22 31.01.2004