Fake fertiliser factory sealed

25 Feb, 2004

The pesticides vigilance staff of Agriculture department detected a fake fertiliser manufacture factory and seized large quantity of Uni.-zinc and 11 pesticides products.
According department sources of Universal Agro Company, having a dealership license was engaged in manufacturing Uni.-zinc and other pesticides products and was marketing it without legal authority.
The factory was sealed and the pesticides produces have been sent of Agriculture laboratory for chemical amylases and case has been registered.
According to reliable sources following the detection of fake manufacturing company number of influential people moving in power corridor reported to have approached the department and the city government to withdraw the case against the company who him self is reported to be an influential person.
It may be mentioned that fake and substandard fertiliser and pesticides had cause enormous loss to cotton crop in upper Sindh and the growers were have stage series of demonstration against the marketing of substandard and spurious pesticides.
The people who have been involved in marketing the spurious pesticides have not been penalised as yet and it is feared that stern action against such person was not taken it might adversely affect the forthcoming cotton crop.

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