Russian Center resumes its activities

25 Feb, 2004

The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Karachi which is known as the Friendship House has resumed its activities.
This was stated by Administrator of the Center, Mohammad Shahab here on Tuesday.
He further said the library of the center which has a collection of several thousand books in Russian, English as well as Urdu has also reopened.
It was further stated that the collection at the library has been supplemented with the new arrivals from Russia which consists mostly of encyclopaedic dictionaries on different subjects as well as the text books and methodological literature for students studying Russian language.
Shahab said that membership of the library has also been reopened with a nominal membership fee.
He stated that Consul General of Russia in Karachi, V.P. Mikhailov performed the opening of the library.
Director of the Center, Sergey Kuznetsov welcomed the guests on the occasion.

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