Gas sector: ADB to provide $750,000 to Afghanistan

25 Feb, 2004

Asian Development Bank (ADB) is going to strengthen and modernise Afghanistan's gas sector, through a Technical Assistance (TA) grant of $750,000.
Reviewing existing policies and other factors influencing the gas sector's development, the TA would help the Afghan Ministry of Mines and Industry (MMI), the government's administrative arm for the gas sub-sector, in creating policies and strategies to develop and manage the sector. It would identify training needs and develop human resources by providing training to Afghan gas personnel. The gas reserves in Afghanistan were estimated at 250 billion cubic meters, while coal deposits were estimated at 125 million tonnes.
According to sources, the Afghan Government plans to open the energy sector to private sector, particularly in oil and gas exploration, petroleum imports and marketing, and the mining sector.
The TA would review the policy drafted by MMI to encourage private investment. In June 2003, ADB approved a $150 million Emergency Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Loan through its concessional Asian Development Fund.
A gas component worth $24.07 million was helping repair 12 gas wells in northern Afghanistan along with the natural gas transmission and distribution pipeline.

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