Training workshop on WTO held

25 Feb, 2004

A one-day training workshop on "WTO and its implications on surgical, sports and leather industry" was held at Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) here on Tuesday.
Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority (SMEDA) organised the workshop, in collaboration with Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) and Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC).
The workshop aimed at providing an introduction to the legal framework of the WTO and resultant laws that have been enacted in Pakistan.
The objective of workshop is to sensitise and create awareness in the export industry of the WTO legal regime, the rights and obligation created under the law and possible legal strategy and area of debate.
The workshop will help in understanding the WTO and its impact on surgical, sports and leather industry of Sialkot.
The legal framework of WTO, Pakistan's position under international law, GATT, GATS, Trips, TBT, SPS, TRIMS, ATC, Dumping and Anti-dumping laws, trade defence laws, private international law, dispute resolution, jurisdiction and choice of law were covered in the workshop.
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) will play a pivotal role in new era of international trade.
The countries will have to work on trade liberalisation and implement different agreements signed with WTO like AoA, investment issues, TBTs, ATC, subsides and anti-dumping issues etc.
The businessmen engaged with surgical, leather and sports goods industry attended the workshop.
The sole aim of holding the workshop in Sialkot is to prepare the business community for fast approaching WTO regime and to share the information with members of the business communities.

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