
28 Feb, 2004

The commemoration of the tragedy of Karbala, martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), each year brings reminders to the responsibilities towards Allah and lessons in complete obedience to Him for the Muslim Ummah. There are lessons in the tragedy about living in peace, forgiveness, and accommodation for conflicting views on social and religious doctrine governing lives of the ordinary men and compassion for the weak.
Looking at the causes of the martyrdom and the conflict between the Imam (AS) and Yazid, it becomes easy to understand that the nature of stand the Imam had taken against Yazid, was based upon principles and in the greater interest of Islam. Any compromise on these principles that were fundamental to the very concept of unity of God and the prophethood of Muhammed (SAW) would have been a negation of the entire concept of the revealed Islam.
The Imam had made it clear to his followers that he would not take the oath of allegiance, which Yazid was insisting to obtain from him. The allegiance of Imam would legalize and legitimatize all actions that Yazid had taken to mutilate the face of Islam or in other words that of Sahrait-e-Muhammedi.
Yazid had made amendments in the teachings of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and had declared that his words, though in conflict with that of Prophet Muhammed (SAW) would be the ultimate instructions to be followed in matters of religious affairs and state functions. Yazid wanted his subjects to accept his worldly acquisitions and self-claimed numinous superiority as a composite power to rule.
He had no regards for Halal-e-Muhammed and no disregard for forbidden acts. He would indulge in sinful deeds with complete impunity and declare it as permissible.
For Imam Hussain this disregard to the basis of Islam was a challenge.
The Imam knew his fate, and the fate of his companions that refusal would bring. He saw martyrdom as a consequence of refusal to accept Yazid as the rightful caliph of the Millat-e-Islamia, whereas obedience to Yazid would mean all worldly gains.
The Imam accepted the challenge of the time and prepared himself to face difficulties even at the cost of his chosen companions and members of the family. He refused to accept Yazid's request for oath of allegiance and asked him to mend his ways and refrain from defacing Islam and mutilating teachings of Prophet Muhammed (SAW). Finding Yazid adamant on his thoughts, the Imam could see a bloodbath among his followers and the Yazidi army. He decided to retreat so that any conflict between the people did not take place.
Before commencing his long and arduous journey - towards a new world, Imam Hussain (AS) decided to perform Haj.
Looking at the commencement of Imam's journey from Medina to Makkah for Haj and then to a place, away from the geographical boundaries of Yazid's sultanate, where he could live in peace along with his followers and continue to further his ordained obligations for the betterment of the human society was like a wake up call for those who were oblivious of their responsibilities towards the fellow human beings.
On the 28th of Rajab of 60 A.H., Imam Hussain (AS) left Medina for Makkah never to return. The family consisted of 18 youths comprising his brothers, sons and nephews. The departure from Medina was very agonizing especially since the Imam (AS) knew that most of them would not be able to return. However, for the sake of preserving and protecting Islam, every hardship was acceptable to him.
It was on the 3rd of Sha'ban of 60 A.H. that the caravan reached Makkah.
On reaching Makkah, the Imam cut short his journey by replacing Haj by Umrah to avoid a bloody conflict between his followers and the forces of Yazid and left Makkah towards a destination unknown to his followers. The Imam knew that he was being dragged into a war by the Yazadi forces and would have no alternative than to stay at Karbala and fulfil his commitments to Allah and to Prophet Muhammed (SAW) that he would sacrifice his life and the lives of his companions for upholding the teachings of the Holy Prophet.
On the day of Ashura (tenth of Muharram), when Imam Hussain saw most of his companions being killed, he said, Allah was very angry when the Jews ascribed a son to Him. He was angered when Christians divided God in their Trinity. Those who worship the sun and the moon were also the targets of his wrath. Now Allah will be angered very much because this Ummah has joined hands to kill the grandson of Prophet Muhammed (SAW). By Allah! I do not yield even to a single term and condition which they want from me, so much so that I shall meet Allah drenched in my own blood."
Addressing the members of his family he said, "Be prepared for the hardship and agonies, and be informed that Allah is your Protector and Helper. Soon he will free you from the evil doings of the enemies, and the end result will be good. The enemies will be dragged into numerous calamities, while you will be rewarded various bounties. Respect Allah's word for you will be increased. So, do not complain, nor should you say anything which may decrease respect for you in the eyes of others."
On another occasion, he addressed the enemies saying, "O you folks who are deceitfully professing adherence to Islam! You are the followers of the worst of creations. Beware, this is the last time that I warn you. You think that by killing me you can enjoy the worldly pleasures. Impossible! Soon you shall be engulfed by such calamities that every joint of your body will ache and shake, your hearts will be saddened and you will nowhere find any protection or solace. You will be the most degraded of the Ummah, and why should you not be so since you have sworn to kill the Prophet's progeny and take his family members captive? I put three proposals before you, but you accepted none. You take pride in your numerical superiority and strength. How can I accept your irreligious leader, Yazid, and obey him? Self respect, integrity and honesty never allow us even to be near such depraved souls. With dignity, our self-respect takes us even towards death. I am eager to join these young ones and my companions, those who have been martyred before me."
But Yazidi forces were not moved and they all fought Imam Hussain (AS) who, in his defence, showed such great valour seldom recorded in the annals of history.
It is reported that his entire body was covered with wounds inflicted by the forces of evil gathered at Kerbala for the sole purpose of killing him and extinguishing the guiding light intended by the Almighty to lead mankind towards salvation.
The Muezzin was calling for the Asr (afternoon) prayers when Imam Hussain (AS) alighted from his horse and put his head on the ground in total submission to Allah. Shimr dhul-Jawshan was the most callous of Yazid's army. He severed the head of Imam Hussain (AS) and raised it on his spear.
Imam Hussain's (AS) camp had upheld the Islamic principles and laid down their lives for the glory of Allah. "We are from Allah and to Him shall we return."
Shah hust Hussain, Padshah hust Hussain// Deen hust Hussain, Din panah hust Hussain; Sardad na dad dust dar dust Yazid// Haqa kay binaey la illah hust Hussain.

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