Sectarianism a conspiracy against Islam, says Rashid

05 Mar, 2004

Terming the sectarianism a conspiracy against Islam, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting has called upon the Muslim Ummah to express solidarity and unity in order to defeat the evil.
"Islam is a religion of nature and humanity and it always preaches universal brotherhood, tolerance and peaceful coexistence", he said while addressing a religious function held at Eidgah Sharif here on Thursday.
Dr Jamal Nasir, Pir Naqeebur Rehman and other Ulema and scholars were present on the occasion.
The minister called upon the Ulema to play their effective role in elimination of sectarian hatred. "Islam is not preaching hate, terrorism, and bloodshed. It always protected the rights of human beings without any discrimination of religion, cast, colour and creed", he added.

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