Export Promotion Bureau has received the following Trade Enquiries from abroad. Interested Pakistani parties dealing in the under mentioned items can obtain further details from the addresses given or from EPB Head Quarters and its Regional/Sub-Regional Offices.
Mrs Svetlana, M/s Denville Trading Corporation, No 326, Geary Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA.
Representative in Moscow.
Tel: (095) 718-60-16 (17), (14).
Fax: (095) 718-60-14.
Email: sfortex@hotbox.ru
Sandi Maxwell, Manager, M/s Hemp Wholesale Australia, PO Box 25, Kalamunda, Western Australia 6076, AUSTRALIA.
Tel: +618-9293-0007
Fax: +61-8-9293-0703
Email: hemp@hempwa.com
Mr Raja Daniyal, M/s Ibrahim & Zainab Ltd, UK.
Email: rdaniyal@izuk.co.uk
M/s AVS Company, Through Mr Muhammad Aslam, Commercial Counsellor, (United State of America), Consulate General of Pakistan, Pakistan House, 12 East 65 Street, New York, New York-10021, USA,
Tel: (212) 8795800, 5176987
Telex: 23224186 PRP UR
Email: paktrade@mail.idt.net, consulpk@aol.com, Pakistantrade @aol.com
Eng Mona Abu al-Khair, M/s Mansoura International Trade Point, EGYPT.
Tel: +2050-2222544
Fax: +2050-2222545
Email: mansouratp@hotmail. com , mansouratp@idsc.net.ge
Website: www.mansouratp.gov. eg.
Mr Deepak Verma, EMAIL ENQUIRY.
Email: win2000ltd@hotmail. com
Ms Kim, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA.
Email: sama_hadi@yahoo.co.in
Mr A. Khan, Manager, M/s International Traders (UK), UK.
Tel: +44-07963-398630
Email: international@traders. freeserve.co.uk
Mr Alfred Oreste, Via del Pesco 19/C, 56020-fraz Montecalvoli, Santa Maria a Monte Pi. ITALY.
Fax: +39-0587749369
Email: bonn@ath.forthnet.gr
M/s Monoprosopil. l.c., GREECE.
Fax: 2296083020
Email: karapanouk@hotmail. com