Committee to discuss sugar issues on March 12

10 Mar, 2004

The inter-ministerial committee on sugar will meet here on March 12 to identify bottlenecks in smooth sailing of the sugar sector and work out long-term solution to the problems, it is learnt.
Secretary Industries and Production Javed Ashraf Hussain, Secretary Commerce Kemal Afsar, Secretary Economic Affairs Division, Secretary Finance, Navid Ahsen and Secretary Food and Agriculture Salik Nazir would represent the federal government in the meeting.
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association (PSMA) delegation would include Chairman Iskander A Khan, Chairman PSMA Punjab zone Javed Kayani, Chairman Sindh zone Shunaid Qureshi, CBR Chairman Riaz Ahmed Malik, President Kissan Board Sadiq Khan Khakwani and President Sindh Abadgarh Board have been invited for the meeting.
Punjab, Sindh and NWFP would be represented by their respective Secretaries for Food.
The committee's main job is to take stock of the situation arising out of huge surplus stocks and falling commodity prices in the open market, and to work out solution to the problems so that interests of all the parties to the sector could be protected equally.

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