Partly Facetious: let bygones be bygones

30 Apr, 2004

"The Chief Justice of this country has said that the plunderers of wealth should not be elected to represent the people and the voters should not encourage such characterless people."
"I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I mean it may seem a bit sanctimonious to some but there is a need to deal with corruption in general and amongst politicians in particular where this disease is rampant. I mean if we look at the shenanigans of our former first couple?"
"Mian Sahib and Kulsoom?"
"Nope. I mean you can say what you want about Mian Sahib but Kulsoom was nice? I don't think she was a party to what was happening in the Sharif clan. No, that was not a couple that was doing a lot of things together, if you know what I mean."
"But she did support her husband and..."
"Hey, didn't Hillary support Clinton?"
"Ah yes. Some of the problems faced by Kulsoom and Hillary were similar."
"The surprising thing is one is a relatively uneducated woman who never worked in her life while Hillary..."
"OK OK, but then Laura Bush is also the perennial housewife always supportive of her husband. I mean if you blame Bush then you must blame Laura as well. Complete complicity there."
"OK, you have me convinced? Wives of leaders have a tough time just standing behind their man is the term I believe."
"But this does not quite apply to male spouses. Our former first couple, BB and Asif Zardari, were definitely different! I mean there seems to be a meeting of minds and body that is uncanny."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean here is Asif sending a medical certificate for non-appearance in the Swiss court where he is charged with money laundering and his wife also sends a medical certificate that she can not attend."
"I see what you mean by meeting of body and soul."
"Anyway the CJ has come up with rather a strong statement against corruption."
"But what about nepotism, fiddling with the constitution to suit yourself..."
"And what about remaining on the job when all your senior colleagues have been fired."
"Ah that! Let bygones be bygones."
"Gotta move on towards the new and improved democracy."

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