Message from Minister of State (Incharge) for Ministry of Environment

05 Jun, 2004

Every year, this day, the World Community reaffirms its commitment to the future generations that a sustainable ecology will be maintained on this planet.
Pakistan shares the global concern for environment and is playing an active role to pursue the vision that we have set for ourselves to help sustain life on this planet with out any compromise or degradation of quality.
This year we are globally reiterating our realisation of the importance of Oceans and Seas for sustaining life. These water masses, which cover more than 2/3 of the globe and support 90% of marine and aquatic life, are both directly and indirectly a major lever for promotion of sustainable life on this planet.
The explosively increasing human population has compelled high levels of industrial activity. Increased use of chemical fertilisers, vehicular and industrial emissions and effluents into water bodies have caused low levels of oxygen, thereby suffocating sea food stocks and other marine life.
In Pakistan also we are becoming increasingly conscious of the importance of Marine life for the ecology of this region and for sustainability of more than 900 k.m. of our shores.
Therefore, steps have been taken by developing internationally acclaimed strategies - principally the National Conservation Strategy (NCS); followed by a narrow and focused National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) that articulates action in four crucial areas ie clear air, clean water, eco-system management and solid waste management.
We have also demonstrated our international commitment by signing major conventions relating to coastal and marine resources and our country is an active member of United Nations conventions on the Law of Sea.
Preparation of Integrated Coastal Management Plan (ICZMP) in collaboration with UNESCAP and development of an action plan for the protection and management of the South Asian seas co-ordinated by SACEP fully demonstrates Government of Pakistan's resolves in maintaining balance of eco-system at seas and on shores.
While we will assiduously peruse all developmental projects, we will ensure that our seas are not deprived of life support, or degraded in their quality, these causing havoc to both life in and out side seas.
I would like to urge every Pakistani to ensure that our seas and oceans continue to thrive and do not allow any intervention which may pollute the life sustaining waters.
This is a global challenge and it could not be met when everybody whole heartedly participates. May Allah help us in fulfilling our resolve to sustain life in the Oceans and Seas of the world.

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