Jamadi-ul-Awwal moon not to be sighted on June 18

18 Jun, 2004

The Jamadi-ul-Awwal moon should not be sighted on Friday. The 1st of Jamadi-ul-Awwal, 1425 AH, will, therefore, fall on Sunday, according to the astronomical parameters.
The moon will cross the conjunction line at 0127 Pakistan Standard Time (PST) on Saturday.
The time of sunset on Saturday is 1924 PST, and the time of evening civil twilight (ECTL) is 1950 PST. The moon will set at 2008 PST.
Thus the age of the new moon will be 18 hours and 30 minutes at ECTL. It will set 44 minutes after sunset and 18 minutes after ECTL.
At the time of ECTL the moon will be at an altitude of three degrees and nine minutes. It will be at an azimuth of 299 degrees and two minutes.

New moon First Quarter
d h m d h m
June 18 01 27 June 26 00 08
Full moon Last Quarter
d h m d h m
July 02 16 09 July 09 12 34

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