El Al flights to Turkey stay halted over security

28 Jun, 2004

Citing security at Istanbul airport, Israel's El Al said on Sunday flights to Turkey would stay suspended at least until Wednesday, when a Nato summit will have ended in the city.
El Al Israel Airlines halted the flights late last week due to changes in security arrangements at Ataturk Airport. It gave no details but said the flights were suspended because of Turkey's refusal to uphold agreed security arrangements.
Turkey is a top destination for Israeli tourists and businessmen. Hundreds of passengers have been stranded in Istanbul but El Al said it would find alternative travel means. El Al officials denied the move was linked to Thursday's bus bombing in Istanbul, in which four people were killed ahead of the Nato summit on June 28-29.
Israeli media has reported Turkey aims to limit the number of El Al security guards posted at the airport, contrary to what El Al said was previously agreed.
Some El Al officials called for the halting of Turkish Air flights to Israel. But government officials said that was not an option at the moment.
"It's a very sensitive time now because of the Nato conference," a senior government official said. "Once it's over, the issue will be resolved. To appear to succumb to pressure from an Israeli presence could add to the threats and encourage terror groups to attack."
Itamar Bartov, a vice president at El Al, said flights would resume only when the dispute was resolved.
"There is no decision to restart flights on Wednesday," he told Reuters. "Passenger security is our top priority and we are not moving one inch."

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