Message from the Principal

04 Aug, 2004

Presbyterian missionaries founded Forman Christian College in 1864. Since August 1947, it has served Pakistan with distinction. The graduates of the college have had a profound impact upon Pakistan as they have taken positions of leadership in government, business, education, the professions, religion and arts.
Indeed at the present time, the President of Pakistan, the Chief Minister of the Punjab, and the Ambassador of Pakistan to the USA are all graduates of the college.
After thirty-one years as a nationalised college, Forman Christian College is once again a private college. The standards and traditions that made the college one of the most prestigious colleges in the subcontinent are being upheld.
The college strives to provide a truly outstanding educational programme taught by well-qualified faculty who care about the students.
The college also provides strong sports and co-curricular programmes in order to offer opportunities for students to enjoy themselves while learning outside the classroom. In many cases, students find that the values and habits learned while on the sports field or participating in co-curricular activities such as debates and drama are important keys to success in later life. Forman Christian College moved to its present location in 1940.
The campus of over 100 acres is a beautiful setting to learn and grow as a student. The Academic Block has five main classroom buildings plus the Auditorium in Sinclair hall and Ewing Memorial Library.
The college has five hostels to house students who wish to live on campus. The student center and sports fields are actively used by students.
We look forward with eager anticipation to welcoming the new students who will enroll in Forman Christian College this fall.

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