'PBM focusing on rehabilitation of the poor'

05 Aug, 2004

The main focus of Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) was to ensure rehabilitation of the poor and needy by providing them sufficient financial assistance to become self-sufficient, Managing Director Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal Brigadier Sarfraz (Retd) said.
"The PBM aims at making the needy self-sufficient and ensuring his complete rehabilitation," he told PTV.
Automatic accounting system has also been introduced in PBM to run its different projects on transparent basis.
The computerisation will also help detect those who were getting aid form different organisations. Seventy-five percent computerisation of PBM has been done which would help reaching the relief to poor in shortest possible time.
PBM will establish caring homes for beggars, new vocational institutes for poor women. A diagnostic centre will be established in NWFP. Centres for assistance to child labour will also be enhanced, he added.

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