Message from Chief Minister Sindh

05 Aug, 2004

It gives me immense pleasure to note that a globally renowned group of energy sector M/S Noble Group of Hong Kong and its subsidiary Noble Energy are organising an International Conference in Pakistan, on 7th August 2004 to deliberate on the strategic subject of energy production through utilisation and development of Thar Coal Reserves.
Availability of electrical power is of critical importance for the development and growth of industry and economy of any country.
Economic growth entails the rationality of socio-economic development of the society.
Pakistan is at a critical juncture of the history, it is the era of globalisation in which nations have to exhibit real strengths to maintain presence and importance in the global network of countries.
The tremendous interest shown by the Nobel Energy, Hong Kong and its representative in Pakistan M/S Pacific Chartering and Trading (Pvt) Ltd, is of paramount importance as it endorses the investment oriented well balanced policies of the present government.
It goes without saying that technology will continue to play a significant role in driving economic growth. I, therefore, assure all concerned that the development of Thar Coal Reserves, which has given Pakistan Seventh position in the list of twelve top coal producing countries, would remain a key priority of this government.
We will allocate all possible resources for the infrastructure development and accelerated power station establishment in view of its unrivalled importance for industrial and economic sectors.
The environmental impacts of coal mining have been a subject on intensive debate globally. With special reference to Thar such considerations become more important because of scarcity of water, vegetation and low health standards. I wish to stress upon various stakeholders the need of objective, far sighted thinking for taking timely and preventive measures for measuring and ensuring the environment and ecology of the region.
In the end I wish to congratulate ministry of mine and minerals and Sindh Coal Authority for their unmatched interest in developing the coal-mines. I am confident that effective and proper development and utilisation of Thar Coal would ensure secure, prosperous and promising future not only for the area of Thar and Sindh but for the whole nation and generations to come.

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