Message from Country Manager Noble Energy Inc Hong Kong

05 Aug, 2004

It is a privilege and an honour to congratulate fellow countrymen on the historic day of Noble Energy International Coal Conference. Pakistan is currently at a crossroad in its small history and we have to make all possible efforts to carve a bright future for our generations.
The Almighty have bestowed us with immense natural resources and discovery of Thar Coal is one of them. Now it is our duty to make the best use of it so that fruit of this miraculous gift could be evenly distributed among various strata of populations.
Today many people would not be able to imagine what difference this could make in the business, industry and social sector developments.
Government is certainly aware of the far-reaching impacts it could make and therefore, is employing all possible resources for the development of Thar Coal reserve.
I wish to congratulate the Ministry of Mines & Minerals Govt. of Sindh and Federal Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources for their strenuous efforts in infrastructure development and the effects can now be witnessed on the daily life of Thar.
On behalf of Noble Energy Hong Kong, I am committed to say that we will make all possible efforts and contributions in achieving objectives related with this mega project, bound to bring happiness & prosperity in Pakistan.

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