35 Bait-ul-Maal committees approved in Punjab

06 Aug, 2004

Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi has approved 35 district Bait-ul-Maal committees giving representation to non-elected and non-political persons in order to ensure disbursement of funds to needy and deserving people in a transparent manner.
Each district of the province will have one committee while Lahore will be covered by two such committees due to large population, said Punjab Bait-ul-Maal Minister Mohammad Ijaz Shafi while addressing a press conference here on Thursday.
The provincial government has also provided Rs 100 million to the provincial Bait-ul-Maal for financial assistance of needy and deserving people under health, education and other heads, he said, adding if these funds were exhausted during the current fiscal, another Rs 100 million would be provided by the provincial government.
This amount would be in addition to the balanced amount already lying with the department, he pointed out.
Ijaz Shafi said the record of Punjab Bait-ul-Maal is being computerised and all the assistance-giving institutions of the country, including Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal, Punjab Bait-ul-Maal, Department of Zakat and Ushr, and others would be inter-linked to avoid extending assistance to one person more than one time.
He said the central office of the provincial Bait-ul-Maal would also become capable of monitoring the performance of all district committees through computerisation, adding he would hold 'Open Kutchehries' in all the districts to improve the assistance-giving procedure.

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