Buzdar clan demands jobs in PAEC plant

06 Aug, 2004

Thousands of member of Buzdar clan on Wednesday blocked the way leading to Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission's uranium enrichment plant in Taunsa, some 100 miles north-west of Multan.
They cut the supply line of the plant and employees could not return to their homes.
Border military police encircled the plant to save it from any eventuality.
Buzdar tribe chief Sardar Fateh Muhammad said," Atomic Energy Commission was utilising our uranium and providing jobs to thousands of people of different areas while local are being totally neglected who are jobless and unable to meet the necessity of life.
Now PAEC administration has assured to provide jobs to local within a month, if it did not fulfil its commitment then we would not let them continue work on this project,"
Sardar Fateh, MPA said, "Government should pay royalty of uranium and other precious metals, minerals to the concerned tribes if it is not in a position to provide them jobs to meet their daily requirements.

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