Partly Facetious: yes, the fight is personal now

07 Aug, 2004

"I don't get it. Is it personal now?"
"If you are referring to al Qaeda's statement after the attack on the Chosen One?"
"Yes, I am. Do you know the exact words?"
"The exact statement reads 'One of our blessed squads tried to get one of America' in Pakistan as he returned from Fatehjang,' and that was of course the Chosen One."
"By implication they were out to attack the strong democratic roots of our country! They were out to derail the PML that has a long history of service to this country. They were out to..."?
"Don't carry the façade any further. They were out to attack Musharraf."
"Well yes, that was what I was going to say next."
"The military responded by saying 'Pakistan will continue its fight against terrorism. We will fight it out.'"
"Why do you say the military? The fight is between law enforcement and..."
"Read my lips? The fight is between our military and an amorphous group of people who are largely unidentified and..."
"I disagree. Many know who they are and still others know where they are hiding somewhere. The only unfortunate thing is that neither the Pakistan army nor the American army know where exactly they are hiding."
"That's true enough. But a reward of Rs 10 million to provide information regarding the suicide attackers on our Chosen One seems a bit excessive, doesn't it?"
"It is coming out of the PM's discretionary funds, the interim PM not the PM designate."
"Don't be facetious."
"And Chaudhry has announced compensation of Rs 0.5 million for those killed in the attack."
"For being injured in the attack the price is Rs 50,000."
"What about the families of the two drivers killed in Iraq?"
"You crazy? Was the Chosen One there?"
"So then why would they give any money to those families?"
"Because it is the duty of our government to protect and serve all, not just the Chosen One."
"Only in the old form of democracy, not the new and improved variety."

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