Atta chairs first VCs committee meeting: four-year degree courses proposed

08 Aug, 2004

The public sector universities proposed to introduce four-year BA/BSc degree courses on the pattern of foreign universities from the next academic session.
This would be followed by two-year MA and MSc courses at the universities so that the degree-holders are at par with the scholars of foreign universities.
This was decided at the first meeting of the vice-chancellors committee of public sector universities here on Saturday under the chairmanship of Professor Dr Attaur Rahman, Minister in-charge of Science and Technology.
The proposal was discussed at length and it was agreed that it may be introduced on experimental basis in universities, sources disclosed to Business Recorder.
University education is generally of six years all over the world. Hence it was proposed that Pakistani universities should also introduce four-year BA/BSc degree courses followed by a two-year master's degree to bring our degrees at par with the rest of the world.
It was agreed in the meeting to implement the programme in all the public sector universities on a uniform basis.
Courses for the programme will also be devised by the Curriculum Review Committees, keeping in mind the MIT open course and the present MSc courses.
It was also decided that the new MA/MSc degree would replace the present MPhil degree.
Pakistani students anxious to study abroad were facing acute problems, because they were not completing 18 years of education as in the foreign universities.
After the introduction of 4-year BA/BSc degree courses, their educational career will be of 18 years and they will be eligible to seek admission in foreign universities.
Sources further told the Business Recorder that Tenure Track System was also discussed in the meeting.
According to the system, foreign faculty will be hired which will help improve quality of education.
An interesting situation arose when a vice-chancellor remarked that it would create difficulties for MNAs to clear the four-year graduation programme, which is the minimum educational qualification to be eligible for participation in elections.
It provoked a huge laughter and the matter was left at that.
GRANT FOR NEW UNIVERSITIES: Dr Attaur Rahman said that the Higher Education Commission (HEC) would frame standard operational procedures for the newborn universities and the grant will be released to them for raising their basic infrastructure.
For the building of infrastructure, 50 percent will be spent by the university and 50 percent by the HEC.
He said that the HEC would only release the grant when it is satisfied with the performance of the university.
The HEC will write to the President for increasing the salaries of vice-chancellors and it will try to remove discrepancies in the salaries of vice-chancellors, the minister added.
The first meeting of the vice-chancellors committee also discussed various other issues including reforms in examination system, review of the terms and conditions of service of the vice-chancellors, in particular their emoluments, adoption of the revised curricula and facilities of higher education for the employees of HEC.

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