Pakistani mangoes highly praised in China

08 Aug, 2004

A cross-section of the Chinese people at the food festival, held here, highly praised the introduction of Pakistani mango in the local market.
The festival was arranged by the Pakistan Embassy to formally launch its export.
Addressing the launching ceremony, Pakistan Ambassador Riaz Mohammad Khan hoped that the Pakistani mango, known world-wide for their rich test, flavour and fragrance, would also be received well by the Chinese consumers.
A professor of Beijing University Xiong Wen Hua, a senior Chinese diplomat Qian Jadong and a former Ambassador to Pakistan Lu Shulin said, " We are glad to see Pakistani mango in the local market."
"I think Pakistani mangoes are more sweet and juicier than the mangoes I've tried before," said another participant Wu Jianmin while talking to newsmen.
The mango, particularly Chousa would remain at display at the two main super stores during whole of this month, said commercial counsellor Shahid Mahmood.
"It is for the first time that Pakistan food item would be coming to China for the export purpose. We consider it a breakthrough in giving boost to our bilateral trade," the official added.
A Chinese official hoped that the Pakistani mangoes would meet the required quality and hygienic standards. "We believe their pest related concerns have been adequately addressed," he added.
He said the Chinese government wished to improve its trade relations with Pakistan and the import of the mangoes would be a big step forward to that direction.
The promotion campaign for its sale would also be launched soon in other major cities including Shanghai.
According to the experts, Pakistani mangoes would be highly competitive in the Chinese market. China is a big market for mangoes, and Pakistan that produces a high-standard quality of mango can easily get its due share in the local market.

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