Message from Minister for Industries, Commerce & Investment Department Government of Punjab

09 Aug, 2004

It gives me immense pleasure to extend my congrats to Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) on organising 27 ceremony of Export Trophy award 2003-2004 for the appreciation and recognition of exporters who achieved top positions in their respective fields.
FPCCI contributed a lot towards promotion of export culture in the country. Resultantly the export targets set by Government are met by the exporters.
Government is keen to boost the exports, specially value added products and non traditional items in order to achieve export target. I trust my brothers who are in the field of exports will explore new markets for our products.
Government is determined and committed to provide an export friendly culture in the present international scenario. The coming challenges of WTO are to be taken very seriously. The world is emerging as Global village.
The manifest of WTO will further strengthen the bindings. So, our industries and industrialists have no escape but to face the modern challenges. I am sure that we have the courage and ability to comply all standards.
We all need more efforts be put on the path of success. I am confident that FPCCI will continue to play their positive role by encouraging the exporter to promote the export.
I am confident that FPCCI will continue to play their role by encouraging the exporter to promote the export.
I take this opportunity to congratulate the outstanding Award Winners for their unparalleled and outstanding performances in their specific fields and wish them all the success.
I also congratulate FPCCI and appreciate the efforts of the President of FPCCI and its members of Managing Committee on organising this prestigious, impressive and colourful event.

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