MBL exporting the highest quality products - a message from Salman Salim, CEO MBL

09 Aug, 2004

Today is a great day for me, for my people and my company that by the grace of Almighty ALLAH we once again, fourth time declared as a winner of "Best Export Trophy" in the pharmaceutical sector.
This achievement was not possible without the good wishes and prayers of my elders, dedication and devotion of our Management Team and bounded loyalties of our valuable customers.
Our Company evolves in 90's like people developing distinct characteristics from each other. Passion, determination, hard-work and excellent management qualities of our team let the company on the high-way of unprecedented success.
At mbl Pharma plant, all internationally recognised manufacturing practices like Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), WHO guidelines are meticulously followed throughout the manufacturing process. We manufacture products for all major therapeutic areas and exporting to various countries of the world.
To achieve our mission 'More Smile and Comfort' for the people we are exporting the highest quality products at a fair price to serve the illing community of the world and also generating a sizeable revenue for Pakistan to bring more smile and comfort for our people.
What we have achieved in 11 years is just the beginning, for us Sky is the limit. To reach our final destination we have very aggressive plan to strengthen our export business, compete in the international market with our neighbouring countries specially India and China.
We are working for further lowering down our unit cost of production through automation and improving the productivity, extending product lines, conquering new markets and venturing into new businesses.
Inshallah, soon we'll also be introducing our products in the local market and play vital role in upgrading the national health, by offering highest quality products at fair price.
I take this opportunity to suggest, Government should also take Pharma Export as a challenge and organise Pharma Exports, and assist them in upgrading and automating their manufacturing facilities, provide incentives to the national Pharma Industry for investing in R&D & bio-technology.
Government should also facilitate the exporters in expediting registration process in the export market of their companies and the products. In some countries the registration of products takes 12 to 18 months and the cost of the product registration is exceptionally high. EPB and Government concern authorities should discuss this issue with their counter parts in those countries and facilitate the exporters, in this matter.
Government should also subsidise the cost of establishment of the scientific & marketing office and promotional expenses to compete in the international market.
The Manufacturer's, exporters and the Government co-ordinated efforts can develop export market and this industry can be a big revenue generating industry of the country like Garments, Textiles etc.
To take our due share in the World Pharma Market, it is now imperative for the national pharmaceutical industry to take this business opportunity seriously, they should start working on the scientific and organised way, should spend on up-gradation and automation of their manufacturing facilities and build the capabilities of their management teams through extensive training and development to meet the upcoming challenges of the international Pharma Market.

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