Norway could help Nato train Iraqi army

09 Aug, 2004

Norway could help train Iraqi army officers at Nato's Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) near the western city of Stavanger, daily newspaper Dagbladet said on Sunday.
"We should contribute to training Iraqi forces," the paper quoted Defence Minister Kristin Krohn Devlod as saying.
The minister said the government would decide in mid-September what form the contribution would take and that the decision would be made in co-operation with other countries involved.
Dagbladet quoted a confidential defence ministry document as saying the transatlantic military alliance's JWC could be used to train Iraqi officers to fight insurgents in their volatile country.
Nato said on Saturday it had dispatched an advance party of four officers to Baghdad to prepare the ground for the alliance's task of training the new Iraqi army.
The main part of the Nato Training Implementation Mission in Iraq - led by Dutch Major General Carel Hilderink and comprising about 45 officers from several Nato countries - is expected to deploy next week, Nato said in a statement from Naples.
The mission follows a request by the new government in Iraq for Nato's help in training a new army and for other technical assistance.

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