Government answerable to people on social welfare: Zaki

10 Aug, 2004

Pakistan Muslim League (PML) vice-president Akram Zaki has said that every government is answerable to the people regarding performance on social welfare.
He was addressing a seminar held on the role of NGOs in Human Development and Social Welfare arranged by Ummah Welfare Trust.
He appreciated the efforts of overseas Pakistanis in UK regarding establishment of NGOs for social welfare and education of Muslim 'Ummah'.
He emphasised that the NGOs practically serving the public for social welfare must be assisted by the government and it is also obligatory for the general public to provide assistance to NGOs working under the Constitution of Pakistan and Islamic framework.
He said that those NGOs serving in the supreme national interest are worthier for assistance than NGOs serving for western interests and taking foreign donations as well.
Ahmed Raza Kasuri, a noted lawyer of Supreme Court and ex-parliamentarian, said that our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) had spent all his life serving humanity.
Our NGOs must follow the living example of Holy Prophet (PBUH). He added that without consideration of colour, race and religion, the NGOs must serve human beings in accordance with the principles of Islam.
He said that the history of nations always remembers those persons, who dedicate their lives to serve the cause of humanity.
Brigadier M. Aslam, director of National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) emphasised that no government can solve social sector's problems alone.
It is necessary for NGOs and government to join their hands to solve the problems.
Existing situation at present is that the government and NGOs have the same targets but different strategies.
Through government-NGOs co-ordination, the task would be achieved effectively.
He added that our strategy is different from the government as the NCHD is working for human development and social welfare in co-operation with NGOs in backward areas of Pakistan.
He added that the NCHD gives first consideration to local NGOs in their respective areas.
Maulana Mohammad Idrees, chairman of Ummah Welfare Trust, said the whole world is dividend into two parts.
At one side there are developed countries, where public are prosperous and governments are strong and stable, while on the other there are developing countries, where large part of the world population is facing severe problems.
Every person is struggling hard for progress and prosperity but the people who have made the cause of their life to serve humanity are respectable.
He emphasised that overseas Pakistanis must perform their role in social welfare tasks.
He said that the trust is serving social welfare cause in Albania, Burma, Bangladesh, Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir and Afghanistan.
Javed Chaudhry, a noted columnist, said people must join hands for enhancement of education instead of depending on the government.
The government must assist NGOs which truly serving the national cause. He said some NGOs exploiting the public by taking funds for the poor but they spend that amount on personal advancement.

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