No army operation in Balochistan: Sultan

10 Aug, 2004

Director General Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Shaukat Sultan has said that the statements of certain political figures about military operations and bombardment in Balochistan are baseless and misleading.
"I am sorry to say that some Baloch leaders are issuing such statements which are misleading the people," Sultan told VOA. The statements are baseless as it did not happened, he added.
He said fire was opened on security forces in south-west of Turbat on July 24, 25 and the security forces had to conduct a search operation in the areas. Except this, the security forces have neither conducted operations in Balochistan nor they bombarded the area he said adding "I can say this with full responsibility and if anyone wants to challenge may claim, he should come and speak."
To a question he said some terrorist incident taken place in Balochistan have destroyed the image of province. Such kind of incidents causes loss only to the Balochistan and poor Balochs because investment will not come there, he added.
He said the government has taken steps to convert Balochistan, which was forgotten province in the past, into land of opportunities so that investment should come there.
Balochistan is gateway for Central Asia, West Asia and South Asia, he said.
He said the Gwadar port was an old desire and demand of the Balochis but no former government launched construction work on it.
Present government has started constructing a port there he said adding the people who are against progress of Balochistan have started such activities.
To another question he said, the differences could even emerge between brothers, which can only be resolved through talks.
If foreign investment comes to Balochistan, it will help boost progress in the province to which the people will utilise, he said.
The Baloch people will get revenue and jobs because foreign investors always required local labour for being cheap. So it is baseless and misleading to say that local population would not benefit the development activities in province, he said.

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