Last date of renunciation/payment

10 Aug, 2004

Last dates of renunciation/payment.

COMPANY Last Date Spot From At Premium
Ali Asghar Textile 18.08.2004 11.08.2004 at a discount of 20%
Ahmed Hassan Textile 18.08.2004 11.08.2004 at a premium of Rs 10/-
Crescent Star Insurance 18.08.2004 11.08.2004 -
Picic 01.09.2004 25.08.2004 at a premium Rs 30/-
Nazir Cotton 01.09.2004 25.08.2004 -
Platinum Insurance 01.09.2004 25.08.2004 -
Shams Textile 08.09.2004 - at a premium Rs 15/-
Askari Gen Insurance 08.09.2004 - at a premium Rs 2/-
Safeway Mutual Fund 08.09.2004 - at premium Rs 5/-
Azgard Nine
(Right Pref Shares) 09.09.2004 - -
Bosicor Pakistan 23.09.2004 - -
Business & Ind Insurance 29.09.2004 - at a discount of 40%
Asian Stock Fund 29.09.2004 - -

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