I recently encountered a nightmare in the form of a lynch mob in my innocent attempt to acquire a cell phone connection. Ufone announced the distribution of free connections on Independence Day.
Upon reaching their local area office I realised it was all-true, to the extent where you could get as much as 30+ connections on a single National Identity Card if you could jump high enough (over the crowd that is).
I found this out when a roadside shady offered me one of his recently acquired 20 something SIMs with a moderate premium giving a helping hand to our dying black market not to mention our airtight national security.
Needless to say I was unsuccessful in securing a connection for myself.
At the risk of being a sore loser one tends to think, Ufone claims to absorb the Rs 1000/- Government tax. Being a government entity itself, where does the deficit get adjusted? The Tax Payer's account?
Just a thought.