Export Promotion Bureau has received the following Trade Enquiries from abroad. Interested Pakistani parties dealing in the under mentioned items can obtain further details from the addresses given or from EPB Head Quarters and its Regional/Sub-Regional Offices.
M/s Jacob Trading Mr Michel Fahmy, Sales Manager, 20A El Obour Building Salah Salem Rd, PO Box: 125 Panorama October, 11811, Cairo, EGYPT.
Telephone: 202-404-0898
Fax: 202-401-0105
Email: jacob@link.net
M/s Folad Bahman Sapahan Tohid Building, Mohtasham Kashani St., Isfahan. IRAN.
Telephone: 0098-311-6259035, 6253171
Mobile: 0913-1180281
Fax: 0098-311-6259043
M/s Oakville Limited Ms Caroline Robson, PA to Managing Director,
Linton House, 39-51 Highgates Road, London. NW5 5RS UK.
Telephone: 020-7580-3686
Fax: 020-7255-2050
Email: info@oakville.co.uk