Export Promotion Bureau has received the following International Tenders from abroad. Interested Pakistani parties dealing in the under mentioned items can obtain further details of Tenders from the addresses given or from EPB Head Quarters and its Regional/Sub-Regional Offices.
Mr Ahmad Malik 8837 Eastern Ave. Kansas City. MO (64138) - USA.
Telephone: 816-668-8386
Email: trade@ireg-global.com
Color: White
Quantity: 1,500-2,000pcs
Color: White
Quantity: 1,500-2,000pcs
Color: White (Please give me price for pastel colours too).
Fabric: 400-460gr/m2
Quantity: 1,000-2,000pcs
Color: White (Please give me price for pastel colours too).
Fabric: 400-460gr/m2
Quantity: 1,000-2,000pcs
Color: White
Quantity: 15,000pcs
Size: 42
Quantity: 15,000pcs
Measurements are: Length-5,5cm, Width-2,5cm, Height-0,7cm. The matches are to be made of wood, and the head must be dark blue.
Length: 4,8cm
M/s M.I.E. Jaime Ruiperez SPAIN.
Email: mie@ya.com
Mr Nadeem K. Din, Meiland 17, 3075 SH Rotterdam, THE NETHERLANDS.
Telephone: 0031-10-4192686
Mobile: 0031625378883
Email: rabbithelivingstone@hotmail.com
M/s Tochimoto Tenkaido Co Mr Mingmei Wang 3-21-Suehiro -cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0053, JAPAN.
Telephone: 81-6-6312-8455
Fax: 81-6312-0171
Email: c.yamada@tochimoto.co.jp