In 1997 men in Khaki, neither qualified nor experienced and in sheer violation of Electricity Act, were imposed on KESC with tall claims that they will give new directions and credibility to the utility but what are the results? Power generation at source being reduced every day, touching the shortfall of 780 mw as can be learnt from given facts.
Flawed policy of the wizards sitting in ivory castles of Islamabad that generation will be exclusively in the private sector, prohibits KESC from putting up new generating stations.
Jan-03 1095 75 58 75 1303 1629 -326
Feb-03 900 100 56 55 1111 1715 -604
Mar-03 925 92 54 55 1126 1746 -620
Apr-03 985 80 71 72 1208 1870 -662
May -03 1065 95 36 70 1266 1973 -707
Jun-03 1050 90 52 68 1260 1957 -697
Jul-03 925 110 52 69 1156 1936 -780
Aug-03 1035 177 52 72 1336 1972 -636
Sep-03 900 152 50 88 1190 1954 -764
Oct-03 1005 182 53 89 1329 1964 -635
Nov-03 1050 97 53 91 1291 1760 -469
Dec-03 895 122 35 73 1125 1730 -605
Minimum 895 75 35 55 1111 1629 -326
Maximum 1095 182 71 91 1336 1973 -780
Uncalled far treatment meted to IPPs makes it certain that no new generating ventures shall ever come up, which without any iota of doubt speaks that the city shall remain starved of the needed electric power in all days to come.
With anticipated growth in load demand at one end and neglected maintenance on the other end, make the transmission network too fragile to sustain low degree transients and mild surges, as happened on 10th September, 2004.
Distribution losses have shot up to the level of 32% whereas free electricity to privileged class and Kunda connections account for high as 12%, making the abominal figure of 44%. I wonder what magic wand can make the cancered utility a profitable and attractive entity for any entrepreneur to purchase it?
The current financial year closed on 30 June, the balance sheet will be presented in December 2004, the results shall be much more horrifying than presented above.
The last four years' balance sheets, the legal document, reflect horrible results of financial losses
S NO. DESCRIPTION YEAR 1999-2000 YEAR 2000-2001 YEAR 2001-2002 YEAR 2002-2003
1- MKWH Generated 7,745.00 7,989.00 8,709.00 8,808.00
2- MKWH Purchased 3,701.00 3 688.00 3,406.00 3,809.00
3- Total MKWH 11,446.00 11,677.00 12,115.00 12,617.00
4- MKWH Sold 6,430.00 6,924.00 6,717.00 7,041.00
5- Energy Loss MKWH 5,016.00 4,753.00 5,398.00 5,576.00
6- Energy Loss %age 44.0% 41.0% 45.0% 44.0%
7- Financial Losses Rs 12,787,000,000 16,201,000,000 17,741,000,000 13,894,000,000
The depleted distribution network has decayed beyond repairs, preventive maintenance and replacement of outdated equipment and now a forgotten tale; with abominal delays for new connections, the outstanding application of new consumers has lost hope to be entertained; the Kunda connection and stealing of electricity, meanwhile, go unchecked. Loadshedding, interruption and breakdowns have become the order of the day.
Army may take the credit of recovering a fraction of large outstanding dues. However, even with huge army incumbents to government offices outstanding dues are in billions.
The recovery is a hollow claim, which can't be substantiated with tangible results. It could have been achieved much efficiently by any KESC chief from within the organisation had he not been handcuffed under political pressures.
Putting KESC back on the rails calls for much more than Thanedari or Bhattakhori. Sooner or later Khakis have to return to their barracks and cantonments with their kitty full of allowances and perks earned during their posting in KESC.
The sufferers would be none but the poor citizen of Karachi. Let the city prepare for doomsday. When KESC sinks, Karachi the commercial capital of country, will sink; it is anybody's guess what sinks next.