NWFP Chief Secretary Ejaz Ahmad Qureshi on Wednesday reviewed the progress on developmental works being executed by CD&MD under Peshawar Development Authority in Peshawar. These included 'Surai Pul' project, Women and Children Hospital at the old GTS Roadways House, new Bus Terminal and Regi Housing Scheme. ACS, Secretary Local Government and Rural Development, Home Secretary, Secretary Housing Department and other officers of CD&MD attended the meeting,.
The Chief Secretary expressed serious concern over the slow progress and lack of relief in traffic congestion to the public from Suraj Bridge project. Although more than Rs 74 million had been spent but traffic problems had not been solved.
Phase-II and III costing over Rs 400 million need to be looked at carefully whether this huge sum was justified and the technical solutions are feasible and cost-effective.
The Chief Secretary ordered that the PC-I should be vetted by experts under the chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary "so that we are satisfied" about the technical solution and its cost-effectiveness.
The progress on the Women and Children Hospital was found very slow because of lack of provision of funds by the City Government despite promises. ACS was asked to convene a meeting with City Government and come up with viable proposals for timely completion and maintenance of this hospital keeping the resource factor in view.
With regard to construction of new Bus Terminal, the Chief Secretary advised that it should be completed within two years so that funds would be available through a loan by Bank of Khyber. Any delay would result in non-accrual of benefits to the public as well as to the CD&MD/City Government.
The Chief Secretary urged acceleration of execution of the Regi Scheme. CD&MD should achieve convincing physical and financial progress and the situation on ground was not found encouraging.
The Home Secretary was instructed to resolve the boundary dispute with tribes in consultation with Political Agent Khyber and ensure provision of FC platoons so that work can proceed without delays and hurdles.
List of schemes under execution was obtained and Chief Secretary promised to inspect major projects soon after Eid.