Partly Facetious: dealing with home grown terrorists

22 Dec, 2004

"So is Osama the spearhead of the anti-US drive?"
"I don't think so. I mean he may have started the whole thing but I think there are many others who have joined the ranks of those who are anti-US."
"But that's how the US and friends of the US, including our own government are labelling him."
"I believe that is the general official consensus and by that I mean amongst heads of state who support the US but again I, for one, would be reluctant to think that Osama has that much clout amongst all those who are against US policies. I mean you have to only think of what happened to Iraq insurgency after Saddam was captured. It sure as hell didn't abate - on the contrary it seems to have gathered momentum."
"So you reckon this is much bigger than a one man operation?"
"Indeed. And the sooner we realise it the better we can deal with it. I mean our General is quite explicit in his comments to the US about the political rationale for anti-US sentiments in the Muslim world..."
"But somehow the virtue of this advice is lost when dealing with our home grown terrorists."
"Ah yes. But he is seeking some form of political rapprochement with members of the Opposition."
"As long as he gets to wear the uniform."
"Does he not understand that once he takes off his uniform his standing in the country and outside would rise tremendously and...?"
"And what will he do with the standing as you call it? He would not be in power the way he is and he knows it."
"So you reckon it is to keep power but couched in terms of fighting terrorism and sorting out matters with India."
"That much is clear and he says the public doesn't care about the uniform issue, only the politicians do."
"I disagree. If you promise the nation something and renege on it, and then if you fiddle with the political system as well as the constitution and..."
"Getting away with it as he has since he took over power is all he is thinking about."
"Indeed. So what happens in the worst case scenario for the General?"
"Which is?"
"His giving up the uniform and then being unseated."
"Another will take his place, as you know there is no one who is irreplaceable."
"His reforms...?"
"The politically motivated reforms will be washed away, excluding foreign policy, the economic policies will continue as they always did even during Benazir and Nawaz's rule, and the constitution maybe revised yet again."
"So more of the same but with greater democratic credentials?"
"Yes, and in time they may be worth a lot to this country."

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