Indian Bollywood actor Shah Rukh said that he would love to visit Pakistan whenever he is invited. "I'll go whenever I'm called not merely as a goodwill ambassador, but as an entertainer," Shah Rukh Khan said in an interview here. Irked by bomb blast during a concert recently in Sri Lanka Shah Rukh said, "I'd still go to concerts. But I think losing one's life during an entertainment event is too high a price. I know people want to see me on stage. But I don't want to see people dead.
"If people expect me to come and entertain them, then I've no problem going anywhere, whether it's China, Japan or Pakistan", he said.
"Pakistan and India have very similar people and cultures. I've a lot of relatives in Pakistan. My cousins live there. Pakistan is a lot like India. That's what we said in Veer-Zara.
"Whatever the reasons might've been for the two countries to be separated are far beyond the comprehension of simple souls like you and I", he said.
When asked when would he be visiting Pakistan he said that he'll go whenever he is called. We need to work out the nitty-gritty...sponsors, organisers, etc.