Partly Facetious: Israelis know it but US doesn't

24 Jan, 2005

"The difference between an army and insurgents is that the former is under one command...Whatever the command structure may be."
"What are you talking about?"
"Well, like in Pakistan the army is under a Chief of Army Staff and not quite the President though the latter is supposed to appoint the former if you know what I mean - a system which has become the bane of our democratic process and unless the army's mind set is changed this will continue, and for some reason I can't imagine the present rulers changing it..."
"Don't be facetious. Anyway what I was saying was that the major difference between the insurgents and the army is that while the latter is under one command, OK, OK, whatever the command structure maybe, the insurgents are usually not under one command."
"That's modern day terrorism."
"What ever do you mean?"
"I mean the IRA was under one command, the liberation of French forces from Nazi Germany were under one command, that of de Gaulle...who, our Musharraf mistakenly thought was an active service general while President incidentally..."
"They don't teach history in our military schools."
"Only commando tactics without a lesson on political history, the changing world politics..."
"What ever you are saying, don't. I mean the press maybe free but not all that free if you catch my drift."
"Anyway, my drift was that the Israelis actually hold Abu Mazen responsible for the recent attack in which six Israelis died."
"The Israelis have already exacted a bloodier revenge and suspended all talks with the PLO."
"But surely the Israelis know that Abu Mazen cannot control all elements but if peace talks proceed well then the people of Palestine will automatically not owe any fealty to the armed movement which will die a natural death."
"I think they realise it. But they are hoping the Americans don't and so they can keep the status quo."
"Ah, another diversionary tactic, you reckon."
"I can't think of it being anything else. Did you hear about Prince Harry?"
"Yes in the Nazi uniform, and the Jewish groups and the Jewish state want him to publicly apologise."
"Their PR machine is truly well oiled."
"Truly, and with Poodle doing whatever Bush wants him to, maybe, Harry will have to apologise publicly after all...pity that doesn't happen with Muslims and Arabs..."

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