Vital installations to be protected: National Assembly speaker

31 Jan, 2005

The speaker National Assembly Chaudhry Amir Hussain has said that government has adopted tangible measures for protecting all vital installations in the country at all cost and political blackmailing would not be tolerated in this regard. No military operation was being carried out in Balochistan and its sheer propaganda of some Sardars of the area he said.
Speaking as chief guest at the inaugural ceremony of Central Office of Pakistan Muslim League here on Sunday he said that huge funds were being utilised on the uplift of Balochistan despite of this some elements were hindering the development process for their own interests in the Province. The speaker National Assembly said that law and order situation would be maintained as well as to protect the Sui installation on top priority basis.
Chaudhry Amir Hussain said that government concentrated its special attention on construction of dams in different areas aimed at overcoming the shortage of water in the country. The construction of dams has become more imperative for the survival of agriculture sector of the country he said.
Amir Hussain said that the according to the experts reports were indicating that there would be acute shortage of water in next ten years which would be crucial for farm sector of the country.
This alarming situation would only be tackled through the construction of maximum dams for catering needs not only the farm sector but also for fulfilling other requirements of the country he was of the opinion. In order to cope with the growing threats of shortage of water, the government was making strenuous efforts for creating consensus among the masses for the construction of Kala Bagh, Bhasha dams, and small and big dams in various parts of the country he said.
He said that the construction dams were direly needed at this juncture for catering the water needs of all four provinces of the country. The Indian government he said was trying to construct a dam on River Neelam is detrimental for the agriculture of Pakistan. The speaker National Assembly urged upon the political leaders to shun petty differences and work for the all round development of the country. The impact of negative politics would be harmful for the vital national interests and collective efforts should be made for bringing out the country from crisis he added.
The National Assembly speaker said that it was encouraging that Pakistan and India were committed to continue the dialogues to settle the Indian occupied Kashmir issue and flexible attitude is direly needed at this juncture for the result-oriented outcome of the dialogues on the issue. The current pace of dialogues and meetings between the high ups of Pakistan and India would surely help not only in reducing tension but also pave the way for resolving issue of occupied Kashmir dispute he was of the opinion. A large number of party workers attended the ceremony.
Earlier, the speaker National Assembly along with President PML district Sialkot Syed Naeem Amjad Shah inaugurated the central office of Pakistan Muslim League.

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